February 27, 2015

Brazilian Expressions: My mind went a blank! = Minha cabeça deu um branco!

You know when you just forget something that thinking? In English you say: My mind went blank!   But, and in Brazilian Portuguese is a little different for to say the same expression. Let's see. =D
My mind went a blank, literally translated is: Minha mente ficou em branco. But, we usually used "minha cabeça" (my head) insted "minha mente" (my mind).

Also, in conversations, we used the verb "Dar" (to give) insted "Ficar" (to stay) or "Sentir" (to fell) when we talk about things that we fell unexpectedly, like fear or shame, and in this case, forgetfulness.


"I fell fear." or "I got scared."

In the formal sentence: "Eu senti medo." or "Eu fiquei com medo."
In conversations, we used the expression: "Me deu medo." or just "Deu medo."

"I got ashamed."

In the formal sentence: "Eu fiquei com vergonha." or "Eu senti vergonha."
In conversations, we used the expression: "Me deu vergonha." or just "Deu vergonha."

"My mind went a blank."

In the formal sentence: "Eu esqueci de repente." (I forgot suddenly.)
In conversations, we used the expression: "Minha cabeça deu um branco." or just "Me deu branco."


A few months ago the school of languages call Open English make a very funny television commercial.

The situation is an Brazilian press conference where the respondent is surprised by a question in English and he does not know how answer, then he improvises.

I do not find the video with caption, then I wrote the dialogue for you.

The sentences in green are about the original speech and the orange are a translate for you understand.

The reporter: Paulo?

Paulo: Oi, querido?

          (Yes, dear?)

The reporter: What do you thing about the comedy in Brazil?

Paulo: Ah, "vai vir" com perguntinha de Inglês agora?

          (Ah, do you go with little question of English now?)

          Gente, eu não sei responder perguntas de Inglês, assim de surpresa,  não.

          (Guys, I do not know answer suddenly questions in English.)

          Meu deu branco, entendeu?

          (My mind went a blank, you know?)

Then, Paulo tries to say in English:

          I give the white color! I give the white color in my mind!

The reporter: Sorry, I do not understand you.

Paulo:  "I do not understand" você também, meu amorzinho. Entendeu?
            Aí fica complicado para mim!

           (I do not understand you too, my love. Do you understand?
           Then, it gets complicated to me.)

           Gente, traz aquele computador com Open English aqui para mim?
           Para ver se eu respondo ele aqui.

          (Guys, brings me that computer with Open English to here?
           I will see if I answered him.)


- It is a video for laugh, so the pronunciation have many mistakes when we compared with Formal Portuguese.

- Some peoples indeed talk like that, because our language has variations (if I'm from the north or from the south, for example) specially in the conversations,  but the better is you learn the correct pronunciation for to be understood by everybody. 


Deu um branco!   =   My mind went a blank!

That's all for today!

You can ask any doubts, I will try to answer. ^^

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How to know when to use tu and você