If you learn the Brazilian Portuguese, you see that
here, in Brazil, we use two words for “you”: “tu” e “você”. So, how to know
which of these two to use? If I say “Tu”, all Brazilians will understand me? If
I say “Você”, I'm being very informal?
What is the difference between “tu” e “você”?
No difference! Both are for the second-person
singular, the “you” in English.
The difference depends on the Brazil region that you
will live or visit. For example, in the South, the peoples speak “tu”, and in
the Southeast, we speak “você”. But, for example, if you use “você” in the
South of Brazil, they will understand you perfectly, because all Brazilians know
the two options for “you”. =)
“Tu” is more formal?
No. Nowadays, we speak “tu” and “you” for informal occasions
and spoken language, the difference depends on the Brazil region. If you want
to be fomal, use “o senhor” (in English equivalent to “Mr.” or “Sir”) for male
and “a senhora” (equivalent to “mam”, “Mrs.” or “lady”) for female. For
Do you want more coffee?
Infomal: Você quer mais café? or Tu queres mais café?
Fomal: O senhor / A senhora quer mais café?
How will be the phrase if I use “tu”? And if I use “você”?
In the school, we, Brazilians, learned using the “tu”.
One example, for comparison: verb “Escrever” (to write) in the present.
I – Eu escrevo
You – Tu escreves
He / She / It – Ele / Ela escreve
We – Nós escrevemos
You – Vós escreveis
They – Eles / Elas
You see the “tu”? Second-person singular. “Tu” have a
single way for the verbs, never is the same as another person. The
second-person PLURAL, will be “vós” in the “original” Brazilian language, but
in the spoken language, the “vós” is not used anywhere in Brazil. Only a few
older people, like my great-grandmother.
Now, we see the same verb, still in the present, but
using “você”:
I – Eu escrevo
You – Você escreve
He / She / It – Ele / Ela escreve
We – Nós escrevemos
You – Vocês escrevem
They – Eles / Elas escrevem
Watch closely the verb for “você”, for “ele” and for “ela”
is the same way: Você / Ele / Ela escreve. The same thing happens in the
plural: Vocês / Eles / Elas escrevem.
Because of this, can be more simple and
easy learn the Brazilian Portuguese focusing on the “você”.
If you want to be formal and use “o senhor”, how will
be the verb?
For “o senhor” the verb will be the same used for “você”.
You like cheese.
Informal: Você gosta
de queijo. Ou Tu gostas de queijo.
Formal: O senhor / A senhora
gosta de queijo.
Which regions of Brazil, we use “você”?
The Brazil is divided into five regions.
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Brazil and his five regions. Photo by Aprendda. |
In the regions of Southeast and Midwest, the peoples
speak “você”. Famous cities are those regions, like the Rio de Janeiro, São
Paulo and the capital of Brazil, Brasília.
Curiosity: The variations of “você”.
I am writing these variations only for curiosity. The correctly
is learn the “tu” or the “você”, but for curiosity, we will see the variations.
There are variations for “você”, but only in the
spoken language.
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"Caipira" - Hick. Photo by Piadas.org |
“Ocê” and “cê” is used in the countryside of the Southeast
and Midwest of Brazil. It is associated with the speech of hick. Example:
You do not sleep well.
Ocê não dorme bem.
Important! You should never write “ocê” or “cê”, we use
ONLY in the spoken language.
Which regions of Brazil, we use “tu”?
In the Northeast and South. In the Northeast, there
are the beautiful beaches and where happen the Carnival celebrations. In the
Northeast are the city of Salvador, in Bahia and the city of Fortaleza, in
Ceará. The South have beautiful beaches too, like Florianópolis, a city of
Santa Catarina. The cities have many stock farms and the South is the colder region,
coming to snow in the winter (a rare thing in this tropical country!).
In the North, we use “tu” and the “você” too. In the
north of Brazil are the cities surrounded by the Foresta Amazônica (Amazon
forest). The best know is Manaus, in Amazonas.
Any questions you still have about using “tu” or “você”,
you can ask in the space for comments, ok?
If you want more about the Brazilian Portuguese, visit this page of Wikipedia: Português Brasileiro.
If you want more about the Brazilian Portuguese, visit this page of Wikipedia: Português Brasileiro.
Bye! o/
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