February 16, 2015

The Brazilian Carnival

The Carnival is coming and you know what is this festival so famous in Brazil and in world? Let's see a bit of Brazilian Carnival. =)


The Carnival is a festival celebrated in Brazil for three days before “Ashes’s Wednesday” (a holyday of Catholic church). In this year, 2015, the festival will be in February, 16. In Portuguese we say “Carnaval”.

A "Rainha de Bateria" in the front of parade in Carnaval of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Photo by Camarote Carnaval


“Escola de Samba” can be translated like “Samba School” and it is an association of peoples that, basically, training choreographies and dancing the Brazilian Samba. Every year has a competition that the judges decide which school is the best of the year.


“Rainha de Bateria” can be translated like “Baterie’s Queen” and she is a beautiful chose woman that is the main dancer of the “Escola de Samba”. Every year the “Escolas de Samba” make elections for decide a new queen.


Both are used in the Carnival’s parade, but the “Trio Elétrico” is a big car, usually a modified truck, where the singers stay during the parade and the “Carro Alegórico” is a big car with costumes and where the Queen dancing.

The Carnival in northeast of Brazil (the more famous is the Carnival of Salvador, in Bahia) is normally the “Trio Elétrico”. The peoples follow the big car with your favorite singer (in general this singer sings Axé, a music style). In the northeast we do not have nor competitions nor “Escolas de Samba”.

An singer on the top of the "Trio Elétrico" on Carnival of Salvador, Brazil.
Photo by Carnaval de Salvador.

In the rest of Brazil, especially in the southeast, the Carnival always has competition between the “Escolas de Samba”. The more famous are the Carnival of Rio and the Carnival of São Paulo.

A "Carro Alegórico" of Carnival in São Paulo, Brazil.
Photo by SP Turis.


The Carnival is a pagan festival because in the begins, Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans had a festival of gratefulness to gods them. They thanked for the good harvest and leave the streets naked and drank all day. At that time, thay had decoretad cars too.

Today the festival is more for fun instead gratefulness to gods, but some religions condemn the Carnival party.

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